Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Common Chinks in Home Security that Tucson Residents Often Ignore

The four, now identified as 18-year-old Alex Canela and three juveniles (one 17, the other two 16 years of age), reportedly spent two hours cleaning out the residence of electronic equipment (including tablets and computers), DVDs, televisions, Christmas presents, jewelry, cash, medals, the cremains of the homeowner’s parents and money out of his children’s piggy banks.

As you can see, burglars are willing to use any entry point to gain access to your home, even if the process is a bit, well, undignified. Of course, doggie doors aren’t the only chinks in home security that Tucson residents are unaware of. Protech Security Systems, a local alarm company, highlights a few more areas that make your home more vulnerable to break ins.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Single Moms Can Keep Their Home Safe According to Tucson Alarm Company

Mothers already juggle a lot of roles as it is, but being a single mom takes the word “responsibility” to whole new level. Not only do they keep a home and care for their kids, they are also the sole breadwinners of their household.

Painful as it may be for the 10.3 million single mothers in the U.S., they are often forced to leave their children alone at home while they work—and they’re well aware that their home is an easy target for burglars. According to Protech Security Systems, a leading Tucson alarm company, single-parent households can remain safe by heeding the following tips.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Alarm Systems in Tucson: Still Your Safest Bet for Maximum Security

The myths basically emphasize that no matter where you live or what you have, chances remain high for your property to be at risk to burglars. Since this fact is undeniable, the best way to deal with it is to ask a professional Tucson alarm system provider like Protech Security Systems to properly secure your home with reliable security systems.

Having a security alarm system can give you peace of mind. It can make you feel safe in your own home knowing that any attempt at robbery can be monitored and recorded. Even when thieves decide to pursue the crime despite the notice, a break-in would trigger the alarm and would more than likely scare the suspects away.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Why Installing Home Security Systems in Tucson AZ Can Control Robbery

You can also take security steps inside your home by installing a cheap alarm on at least one window. When the window connection is broken a chime sounds and an alarm goes off.

Though these recommendations are for the budget-conscious, it is still wise to hire an established professional like Protech Security Systems for installation of state-of-the-art home security systems in Tucson AZ. When asking for a pro’s assistance, you’ll get more than a reliable system; you’ll get high quality service, too.